Our Unique Services

Northwestern Bank is proud to offer unique services that benefit the accounts of our customers. These programs help to save money so you can empower your passion. If you would like more information or to set up these programs on your checking or savings accounts, please call us. 

Round Up Wednesday

Round Up Wednesday is a program offered exclusively by Northwesten Bank. Every Wednesday, customers can make a deposit during business hours at our full-service locations during business hours and have it rounded up to the nearest dollar. No matter if you are depositing just $0.01 or $4,999.99, we will round it up to the nearest dollar at your request! In fact, by rounding up your deposit every Wednesday of the year, you can make up to $52 extra dollars per account! If you are interested in learning more about this program, please contact us for more information. 

Transfer the Cents

Transfer the Cents is a free program offered at Northwestern Bank . With this program, the cents rounded up to the nearest dollar will be transferred from your checking account to a savings account of your choice every time you make a purchase. This account is a great way to save money, as even a little bit goes a long way! If you would like to set up this program on your accounts or would like more information, please contact us and we will be happy to help you.